Monday, 6 April 2009

Trekking in Transylvania (+ Dracula's Castle visit)

Anyone fancy a remote and beautiful trek in the stunning Carpathian Mountains coupled with a visit to Dracula's Castle? If so my newest trek is for you! If you can get a minimum of 4 people (maximum 8) together, and want a truly exciting adventure somewhere different then this is the trek for you!

The Carpathian Mountains or Carpathians are a range of mountains forming an arc of roughly 1,500 km (932 mi) across Central and Eastern Europe, making them the largest mountain range in Europe. The Carpathians create wonderful mountainous scenery, with green valleys nestled between foothills ascending to wild crags or precipitous gorges. The mountain villages encountered on the way, the small summer shelters built by peasants for hay harvests, the secret shepherds`paths through forests and meadows, all these bring a unique, pastoral fragrance to the area.

Deep forests cover more than one third of the country’s surface. Here is to be found the highest concentration of large carnivores anywhere in Europe. (About 6000 brown bears – more than half of Europe’s bear population, about 3500 wolves and approximately 2000 lynx.) You will also find plenty of opportunities to photograph the less camera shy population of wild Chamois that frequent the higher pastures.

The Flora of the Carpathians includes more than 1350 species; most foreign visitors are amazed about the enormous variety of wild plants and flowers all over Romania. You will find all kind of Orchids, Gentians, and Campanulas, with 12% of these plants being endemic to the Carpathian Mountains.

The Romanian region of Transylvania is also home to ‘Bram Stokers’ legendry fictitious character ‘Count Dracula, reputed to inhabit a decaying castle in the Carpathian Mountains near the Borgo Pass. Bran Castle is situated near ‘Bran’ and in the immediate vicinity of Brasov; it is a national monument and landmark in Romania. The fortress is situated on the border between Transylvania and Wallachia and is commonly known as ‘Dracula's Castle’ On January 26 2009 it was revealed that the current occupiers of Bran Castle have decided not to sell the castle, but instead turn it into a museum dedicated to the legend and history of ‘Count Dracula’.

Imp adventures will be making a 3-day trek through some of the most picturesque countryside in the Carpathian Mountains, with the highlight being an ascent of the ‘Bucegi Mountains’ highest summit, ‘Omu Peak’, this peak ranking number 9 within the Romanian peaks, with an altitude of 2505 meters (8219ft).
During our trek through the Carpathian Mountains, ample time will be made to identify and photograph the abundance of fauna and flora. Utilizing high mountain refuges for two nights, we will be well placed to spend as much time as possible enjoying the fresh air, stunning scenery and high mountain environment before returning to our valley base in Brasov, where, after a celebratory supper on the third day of trekking we will spend a cultural day visiting the fabled Draculas Castle, and other nearby beauty spots.

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